What is NextLevel Fit App?

NextLevel Fit is an app that acts as an all-in-one personal training experience. Instead of being told what to do, you’ll be guided by our prompts and given the tools you need to thrive independently. You’ll be able to track everything from your food intake, to your workouts, to your fluid intake and more! The more you track, the better your results.

The app works hand-in-hand with our two major offerings: the Smart Body Scale and Smart Nutrition Scale. Together, these devices can be used to compile accurate data on your habits and guide you toward achieving your goals in an optimized way.

What is the Smart Body Scale?

Using bioelectrical impedance analysis, the Smart Body Scale is a non-invasive tool to measure total body weight, body fat, lean muscle mass, and hydration levels. This provides a more in-depth report on your current state of health to inform your dietary and activity decisions. This data will be automatically added to the NextLevel Fit app where you can monitor your progress in real-time.

What is the Smart Nutrition Scale?

This device can be used to weigh your food items, which you can manually input into the app to get accurate nutritional information for everything you eat. This will be used to track your macronutrient composition and the overall caloric and nutritional composition of your diet.

How do I get my calorie requirements for the app?

Based on key metrics like your height, current weight, gender, age, activity level, and fitness goal, the software will calculate your recommended calorie and macronutrient target. You can opt to follow a diet that is high-fat/low-carb, low-fat/high-protein, or a moderate diet (30/35/35). You can always adjust these preferences later down the line.

What else can I track on the app?
  • Food intake
  • Recipes or preferred ingredients
  • Go-to meals
  • Workouts including sets, reps, and duration
  • Favorite workout music and playlists
  • Fluid intake
  • Body measurements
  • Before and after photos
  • Hunger and satiety levels
How much does NextLevel Fit App cost? NextLevel Fit App offers a free version of the app with limited features and a premium version with more features such as personalized coaching, advanced tracking and more workout plans for a monthly or yearly subscription fee. How does NextLevel Fit App help me achieve my fitness goals? NextLevel Fit App provides a variety of workout plans and exercises tailored to your fitness level and goals, as well as progress tracking and personalized coaching to help you stay on track and motivated.

How do I use NextLevelFitApp?

1. Download the NextLevelFit app from the App Store (for iOS devices) or Google Play Store (for Android devices).
2. Install the app on your smartphone.
3. Open the app and create an account by providing the required information, or log in if you already have an account. For quick sign-up, use Google Sign-In or Facebook Sign-In.
4. Follow any on-screen instructions or prompts to set up your profile, including entering your personal details such as age, weight, height, and fitness goals. This enables us to track your fitness journey from the start and provide customized plans designed to help you reach your objectives.
5. Explore the app’s various functionalities, which may include workout plans, exercise tutorials, nutrition tracking, progress tracking, and challenges .Additionally, benefit from key features such as a comprehensive diary module for food tracking, weekly check-ins for progress monitoring, and a wide range of pre-built and customizable workouts to suit your needs.
6. To utilize the app with your NextLevelFit smart products, ensure that they are properly connected and synced with your account. This typically involves following the pairing instructions provided with the products.
7. Start using the app to track your workouts, monitor your progress, and achieve your fitness goals effectively.
8. Periodically update your profile and review your progress to adjust your goals and stay motivated on your fitness journey.
9. If you encounter any difficulties or have specific questions about using the NextLevelFit app, refer to the app’s user guide or contact customer support for assistance.

How do I connect the app to third party apps like Apple Health and Google Fit?

  1. Open the settings or preferences menu within the app.
  2. Look for an option related to data sharing, integration, or connected apps.
  3. Select the option to connect to or link with Apple Health or Google Fit.
  4. You may be prompted to log in to your Apple or Google account and grant permission for the app to access your health data.
  5. Follow any additional instructions provided by the app to complete the integration process.
  6. Once connected, the app will automatically sync your health and fitness data with Apple Health or Google Fit, allowing you to view and track all your information in one place.

    What sets the NextLevelFit app apart from others on the market?

    The NextLevelFit app stands out from others on the market due to its comprehensive range of features tailored to every aspect of fitness.
    Some of its Premium features includes –
    Diary Module: Utilize a comprehensive diary module to search for food items using barcodes or menus from popular restaurants.
    Weekly Check-Ins: Engage in weekly check-ins to track progress and make adjustments to your fitness routine, ensuring consistent monitoring of goals.
    Workout: Access pre-built exercise plans and customize workouts according to your preferences and fitness level, enabling tailored exercise routines for optimal results.

  • Which app should I use with my smart scale to see all my body measurements?
    To access all your body measurements, you should use the NextLevelFit app, designed for the NextLevelFit Smart Scales. It’s available for both iOS and Android users. Additionally, the NextLevelFit app allows you to measure and track your body composition and circumference measurements whenever you want.

  • How can I download or use the NextLevelfit app?
    To get started, download the NextLevelfit app.

    Android users can get the app at:  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nextlevelfit&pli=1
    For iOS users, get the app at : https://apps.apple.com/us/app/nextlevel-fit-fitness-tracker/id1501672126

  • How do I connect my scale to the app?
    To connect your scale to the app, follow these steps:
    1. Ensure that your scale is turned on and within range of your mobile device or tablet.
    2. Download and install the NextLevelFit app from the App Store or Google Play Store.
    3. Open the app and create an account if required, or log in if you already have an account.
    4. Turn on Bluetooth on your device.
    5. Once your scale is detected, follow any further prompts to establish the connection between the scale and the app. This may involve Bluetooth pairing or connecting to your home Wi-Fi network.
    6. After the connection is established, you may need to step on the scale to sync your weight data with the app. This step may vary depending on the specific features of your scale and app.

    If you encounter any difficulties during the setup process, refer to the user manual provided with your scale or the troubleshooting section of the app for assistance.

  • Which metrics are measured by the smart scale?
    In contrast to traditional bathroom scales, smart scales offer additional features, such as measuring 13 metrics, such as body fat percentage, muscle mass, and bone density, using a combination of technologies. Premium smart scales also integrate with your smartphone and sync with fitness apps like Apple Health and Google Fit, simplifying the process of monitoring your overall health data.

  • How do smart body weight scales measure everything?
    These scales adopt bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), which passes a small electrical current across the body. The scale measures the resistance encountered by this current as it passes through different types of tissues, such as fat, muscle, and bone. Based on the resistance encountered, the scale calculates the percentages of body fat, muscle mass, and other metrics. The collected data is then processed and displayed on the scale’s interface or synced with a companion app on a smartphone or tablet for further analysis and tracking.

  • What can body weight be measured in?
    The NextLevelFit smart body weight scale measures weight in both pounds (lbs) and kilograms (kgs), providing flexibility for users to choose their preferred unit of measurement.

  • How accurate are the Smart Scales?
    Smart scales are generally highly accurate when it comes to measuring weight, with studies showing they can be over 99% accurate compared to professional-grade scales. To get the best results, step onto the scale, stand totally still, and count three. Three seconds is the optimal length of time for the scale to get an accurate reading.

  • How do I use a Smart Nutrition Scale?
    To use a Smart Nutrition Scale, follow these steps:In your kitchen, set the scale down on a level, sturdy surface.
  • Turn on the scale and ensure that it’s connected to the NextLevelfit app, if applicable.
  • Place the food item on the scale and wait for the weight to display on the screen.
  • Review the information displayed, including calories, macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals, in the NextLevelFit app.
  • Use this data to track your nutritional intake, adjust portion sizes, or create recipes tailored to your dietary needs.

  • Can I connect the Smart Nutrition Scale to my phone?

    Yes, NextLevelfit Smart Nutrition Scale can be connected to your phone.  Scale uses Bluetooth connectivity to sync with NextLevelfit apps, allowing you to track your nutritional intake, set goals, Add recipes , find healthy restaurants and monitor your progress over time .



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